Frequently Asked Questions


  • We have three worship services on Sundays, at 8:15am, 10:00am, and 11:45am. At each service time, KidsLife offers age-appropriate services for children from infants through fifth grade.

    Wednesday evenings we offer on-campus Bible studies for all ages, from 6:00pm to 7:15pm. You can click here to learn what adult classes are currently open. Many adult classes run during the school calendar and break for summer; all on-campus offerings are typically on break during July. You can get the most up to date info on our socials: Grace on FB, Grace on Instagram.

  • Our services include worship through song, prayer, and Biblical teaching by one of our elders. You'll be welcomed from the parking lot straight through to the worship center and any of our team can connect you with kids ministry or finding a seat.

    Extroverts, you'll be happy with our patio and lobby for catching up with friends and making new ones.

    Introverts, you'll be so relieved that we don't have a "turn and greet your neighbor" moment in the service. (You're welcome.)

    Our Sunday worship services typically last around an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • Good news! Our weekend and midweek environments are comfortable and casual. On Sundays you'll find people in everything from shorts and sandals to their Sunday best.

  • We hear you: there’s a lot of people and a lot of activity, but we want this big church to feel like real connection and community!

    Learn more about upcoming events here.

    Check out our adult ministries here.

    Connect with KidsLife and Grace YTH info on their pages.

    Discipleship questions? Our on campus classes are listed here each semester and you can email us to get more information about off campus groups.

    You can also be sure to follow our Instagram and Facebook pages, for updates and encouragement!


  • Grace is unaffiliated with any denomination.

  • Grace is led by a team elders, whose primary role is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Our staff pastors and lay elders comprise the elder board. These men gather monthly to prayerfully cast vision for the life of the church.

    To read more about how Grace understands the office of elder, you can download our doctrinal statement here.

  • Our primary doctrinal beliefs are available here and it covers all the good stuff including the Trinity, the Bible, gender & sexuality, spiritual gifts, and more. We also have a brief distinctive on women in ministry, explaining how Grace women play a role in the life of our church.

    If you have questions about either of these documents and how we flesh these out in our church community, email us!



    We offer 6-10 week Bible study and discipleship-oriented classes on campus through our Grace University courses on Wednesday evenings. Our semesters follow our local school calendar and feature two terms each fall and spring. You can click here to view current open classes.


    We believe that part of growing as a disciple is living in community and on mission, wherever you live, work, learn, and play. Off campus groups ministry is designed to connect individuals, couples, and families with others who have a similar goal in mind and who are ready to take the next step towards forming communities that are oriented around the words and ways of Jesus. Connect with us here to learn more about how you can engage with a small group off campus!

  • WE LOVE TO HEAR IT! The mission and ministry of Grace flourishes by God's grace and because women and men like you take the initiative to serve in our church family "as unto the Lord".

    You can learn more about different serve opportunities here. If you're ready to get the ball rolling, click to fill out this form!

  • We are so grateful for the family of believers across the world and strategically support a variety of missions partners. While we do not have regular or ongoing mission trips, we do periodically send teams to support and serve alongside our missions partners. Learn more about our approach to missions here!

Have more questions for us?

We get it! Sometimes your questions need a more personal or specific touch. Email or call us at 863-382-1085 during our business hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm. We'd be happy to help!