Living in community, on mission, as we gather together to know Jesus and grow to be more like Him.

a group of christians in church, listening to the pastor

Our Wednesday night large group co-ed Bible study is an ongoing offering at Grace. Led by a rotating team of Grace elders & lay leaders, this midweek study takes place in the main worship center every Wednesday at 6:00pm. Join men and women in our community to study through topics like foundational theology, specific books of the Bible, and spiritual formation disciplines.

You can learn more about the current large group study by emailing or calling the church office and you can stay up to date on Wednesday night offerings by following Grace on
Facebook and Instagram. If you’re looking for more information about small group Bible study courses we offer each semester, visit the classes page!

Our women’s ministry gathers quarterly in a large group setting to adore Jesus and to encourage one another. Grace Women gatherings are designed to provide welcoming spaces where women eighteen and over can enjoy worshiping together through song, through the Word, through prayer and Bible teaching. From our immersive prayer experience hosted each fall to bonfires or conference-style gatherings, our Grace Women community seeks to encourage and equip women to love Jesus and love others well.

To learn more about small group and study environments, visit our groups page!

Stay connected with Grace Women gatherings on our socials or subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

The community of men at Grace are faithful to pray and to gather, to encourage one another with the scriptures. Our Men’s Breakfast is a monthly gathering (the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30am) featuring prayer, time in the scriptures, and conversation around the breakfast table. Off-campus large group gatherings occur throughout the year and are promoted pre-service (or you can check the events page).

To learn more about small group and study environments, visit our groups page!

Servir el Condado de Highlands con una iglesia biblio-céntrica en español para conocer, crecer y compartir de Cristo. Domingo tiempo de alabanza y enseñanza biblio-céntrica y miércoles usamos currículo "Lifeway" Unidos en Jesus (Volumen 1).

The mission of La Roca is to serve Highlands County with a Bible-centered, Spanish-speaking church to know, grow and share Christ Jesus. For Sunday worship and Bible-centered teaching on Wednesdays we use "Lifeway" United in Christ Volume 1).

Domingo Alabanza y Enseñanza | Sunday Worship and Teaching 
9:15am-11:15am located at First Baptist Church, 200 E Center Avenue in Sebring

Miércoles Estudio Bíblico | Wednesday Bible Study
6:00pm-7:15pm, located at Grace Bible Church, 4541 Thunderbird Road in Sebring